Model Wireframes

One of the more common questions that I get from students is: “What is the first step to building a financial model?” The first step to building a financial model in Excel can be scary. You don’t want to spend time going down the wrong path and then...

On The Road Again

We just delivered an Excel for Real Estate modeling class for a private equity client in Nairobi, Kenya. This isn’t to say that we haven’t done international classes before; I did a lot of them back in 2007 (Singapore, Hong Kong, Tokyo, Dubai, etc.) before...

Virtual Solar Power

Don’t like paying for electricity? Here’s an interesting angle. With “community solar”, instead of putting a solar panel on your house, you buy a panel in a pool and then the production is credited to you. The company, Arcadia Solar, does this...

The Death of Legacy Argus

After multiple deadlines, the day is finally upon us. Argus DCF is going away and AE is officially taking over. The drop-dead date was 6/30/17. Of course, some users will continue to use DCF long past the 6/30 date; just because the date has passed, it doesn’t...